2-Tages-Safari Ab Sansibar nach Tarangire & Ngorongoro-Krater
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2 Tage Safari-Tour ab Sansibar
2 Tage Safari Highlight:
- Zusammenfassung der Reise: Auf dieser 2-tägigen Tansania-Safari ab Sansibar besuchen Sie Tarangire und den Ngorongoro-Krater.
- Reiseziele: Tarangire und Ngorongoro-Krater.
- Niveau der Unterkunft: Lodges der mittleren Kategorie, sicher und sauber mit gutem Essen.
- Upgrade auf luxuriös möglich.
- Beste Zeit/Verfügbarkeit: Abreise an jedem Tag.
2-Tages-Safari-Reiseplan Übersicht:
Diese 2-Tages-Safari von Sansibar nach Tarangire & Ngorongoro-Krater ist ideal für diejenigen, die nur wenig Zeit haben, aber sowohl Strand-Erlebnisse als auch eine Tansania-Safari haben möchten.
Unsere beste 2-tägige Tansania-Safari-Tour bietet eine Mischung aus dem Strand-Erlebnis auf Sansibar und einem Einblick in die Tierwelt des Northern Circuit mit einer großen Chance, den Big Five und der Flora innerhalb eines kurzen Zeitraums zu begegnen.
2-Tages-Flug von Sansibar auf einen Blick
Tag 1: Flug von Sansibar nach Arusha, dann Tarangire-Pirschfahrt.
Tag 2: Ngorongoro Krater Pirschfahrt, dann Flug nach Sansibar.
Ende Ihrer 2-tägigen Tansania Safari Tour
2-Tages-Safari von Sansibar aus beste Reiseroute
Tag 1: Flug von Sansibar zum Flughafen Arusha und weiter nach Tarangire.
Beginnen Sie Ihre 2-tägige Tansania-Safari auf Sansibar mit der Abholung vom Hotel (inklusive) und der Fahrt zum Flughafen Sansibar. Ankunft am Flughafen Arusha am Morgen, gegen 9 Uhr. Nachdem Sie sich mit Ihrem Safari-Führer vertraut gemacht haben, fahren Sie zum Tarangire-Nationalpark und unternehmen eine ganztägige Pirschfahrt.
Der Park erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 2.600 Quadratkilometern, und die Tierkonzentration in der Trockenzeit kann mit der der berühmten Serengeti mithalten. Zu den Raubtieren in diesem Park gehören Löwen, Geparden und Leoparden. Diese Tiere teilen sich die Wasserstellen mit verschiedenen Vogelarten, darunter Grüner Wiedehopf, Fischervogel, Großer Reiher, Weißbauch-Lärmvogel und Riesen-Eisvogel.
Tarangire ist bekannt für seine Affenbrotbäume und die malerischen Ausblicke auf weite Savannen und Akazienwälder. Die eigentümlichen, uralten Affenbrotbäume werden vom Volk der Massai als die ersten Bäume der Erde angesehen.
Was könnte aufregender sein als ein Besuch in der Heimat von Elefanten und Affenbrotbäumen? Erkunden Sie die Tierwelt und die Natur bis zum Abend, wenn Sie zur Farm Of Dreams fahren, wo Sie zu Abend essen und übernachten werden.
Tag 02: 2-tägige Safaritour - Ngorongoro-Krater und Rückflug nach Sansibar
Nach einem frühen Frühstück fahren Sie zum Ngorongoro-Krater und begeben sich dort auf die Suche nach dem Spitzmaulnashorn.
Der Ngorongoro-Krater wird als achtes Naturwunder der Welt bezeichnet und ist die größte intakte Caldera der Welt, die vor etwa 2 Millionen Jahren entstand, als der Ngorongoro-Vulkan ausbrach und seine Wände einstürzten.
Mit einer Breite von über 19 Kilometern bietet der Ngorongoro-Krater vielfältige Landschaften, darunter ausgedehnte Akazienwälder, Sümpfe, in denen es von Nilpferden wimmelt, und riesige offene Graslandschaften.
Zu den hier lebenden Tieren gehören Elefanten, Warzenschweine, Flamingos, eine spektakuläre Vielfalt an Vogelarten, das schwer fassbare Spitzmaulnashorn und alle großen Raubtiere.
Außerdem kann man oft die Maasai bei der Pflege ihres Viehs beobachten, die in diesem bemerkenswerten Naturreservat friedlich mit Büffeln und Gnus koexistieren.
Am Nachmittag machen Sie eine Mittagspause mit Blick auf den Flusspferdsee und genießen dann eine weitere Pirschfahrt, während Sie wieder zum Krater hinauffahren.
Fahren Sie zurück zum Flughafen Arusha für Ihren abendlichen Flug zurück nach Sansibar, der das Ende Ihrer 2-tägigen Flugsafari von Sansibar nach Tarangire und Ngorongoro markiert.
2 Tage Tansania Safari beinhaltet
- Alle Parkgebühren & Eintritte
- Hin- und Rückflug nach und von Sansibar
- Unterkunft in einer Mittelklasse-Lodge
- Alle Aktivitäten, sofern nicht als fakultativ angegeben
- Mahlzeiten (wie im Abschnitt "Tag für Tag" angegeben)
- Professioneller Safari-Führer
- Alle Steuern/VAT
- Unbegrenzt Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Privater 4×4 Safari-Jeep
- Flughafentransfers in Sansibar (Hin- und Rückfahrt)
- Ferngläser
- Biere/Weine
- Unbegrenzte Pirschfahrten
2 Tage Safari in Tansania Exklusive
- Internationale Flüge (von/nach Hause)
- Trinkgelder (Trinkgeld-Richtlinie US$15,00 pro Tag)
- Persönliche Dinge (Souvenirs, Reiseversicherung, Visagebühren, etc.)
- Reiseversicherung
beste 2-tägige Kurzsafari ab Sansibar Preis & Kosten
-2 Personen -$1,180
-3 Personen - $953
-4 Personen - $844
-5+ - Fragen Sie nach Rabatt
Erhalten Sie ein kostenloses 2-Tages-Safari-Angebot
Bitte erkundigen Sie sich nach unseren aktuellsten Preisen für Safaris ab Sansibar
Erhalten Sie ein kostenloses 2-Tage-Safari-Angebot
Bitte erkundigen Sie sich nach unseren aktuellsten Preisen für Safaris ab Sansibar
Verwandte Safari von Sansibar Pakete
Fragen zu 2 Tage Safari von Sansibar
1. Wie komme ich von Sansibar zu den Safariparks
“Die meisten Reisenden fliegen von Sansibar zum Festland Tansanias, wo sich die Nationalparks befinden”
Unser Safari-Fahrzeug auf einer 2-Tages-Tour von Sansibar aus
2. Wie lange sollte ich auf Safari gehen?
“Das hängt davon ab, wie viel Zeit Sie haben und wie viele Parks Sie besuchen möchten. Die beliebtesten Optionen sind 2-3-tägige Safaris.”
3. Was sollte ich für eine Safari einpacken
“Sie brauchen bequeme Kleidung in neutralen Farben, einen Hut, eine Sonnenbrille, Sonnenschutzmittel, Insektenschutzmittel und ein Fernglas. Einige Camps bieten einen Wäscheservice an, so dass Sie nicht zu viel Kleidung einpacken müssen.
4. Ist es sicher, von Sansibar aus auf Safari zu gehen
“Ja, Safaris sind im Allgemeinen sehr sicher. Es ist jedoch wichtig, dass Sie den Anweisungen Ihres Reiseleiters folgen und bei Pirschfahrten im Fahrzeug bleiben.
5. Wie viel kostet eine Safari von Sansibar aus
Kurzsafaris ab Sansibar | 2 Personen | 4 Personen |
2-Tages-Safari ab Sansibar | 1.180 USD | 953 USD |
3-Tage-Safari von Sansibar | USD 1.514 | 1.264 USD |
4-Tage-Safari ab Sansibar | 2.142 USD | 1.900 USD |
5-tägige Safari ab Sansibar | 2.277 USD | 1.980 USD |
6. Ist eine 2-tägige Tansania-Safari lohnenswert
EXCELLENT Based on 74 reviews Felipe R2024-02-22 It was beyond expected, one in a lifetime experience Besides a great experience, a great human team we found at Zamunda. Salim with all his great customer service was always Avalos le to solve doubts, and make things clear, and our wonderful guide Godfrey which make us live a really great experience in every single game drive in all the parks. Patrick Heyman2024-01-01 Amazing Safari in Tanzania We had the most amazing safari in Tanzania with Zamunda. Salim was so helpful at organising our trip and was even more helpful in helping sort our bags that were lost by the airline. We were so incredibly lucky to have the best safari guide in the world in Godfrey, not only was his knowledge of the wild animals incredible his skill at finding them was unrivalled. But most importantly he was a lovely man and we could never thank him enough for giving us the most truly magical and amazing 5 days on safari with him. It was an experience of a lifetime and Godfrey was instrumental to that! I could not recommend both Salim and Godfrey enough and going on safari with Zamunda is something we will never forget and is an absolute must for anyone looking to go on safari in Tanzania. Thank you to both Godfrey and Salim! We will be recommending you to all our friends! lenka2023-12-17 Best Safari with Asad and Salim We choose the 5five days Safari with Zamunda travel with camping family tour of 4person. Second day we share the Safari with two Japanese. Everything was great. It was the second cheapest offer on net but includes pick up at AirPort in the middle of the night, sleeping in hotel before start the Safari and first night of Safari we slept in lounge with swimming pool. Great option after long travel from Europe. It was our second time on Safari with my husband and we appreciate the guide Asad, chief David and Osman the best. We saw everything what we wanted, Asad stopped and guide everything what we whished. After Safari Salim organise also tickets for our way to Dar el Salaam. We did not find anything what could be better to do :0) Jorim R2023-10-27 Best Safari Friendly team. Our guide knew a lot and took our wishes into account. We saw the big five. The food was very good for camping. kobetripper2023-10-05 Unforgettable safari with tent nights In September 2023 we went on a 4-day safari (3 nights) through the Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Tarangiri parks with Zamunda Safari Tours. We booked the tour, including the domestic flights from Zanzibar to Tanzania and back, online from Zanzibar at very short notice. Salim immediately organized the flights, airport transfer, guide, cook and accommodation and we didn't have to worry about anything else. At first we were a little unsure whether everything was above board, as several things were unusual for European conditions. All of the flight tickets were issued with significant spelling mistakes in the names of the travelers, arrival at the airport was tight and the costs were slightly higher than stated on the website due to an adjustment by the airline. However, our uncertainty was absolutely unfounded, as the domestic flights are handled super easily and efficiently and deviations from the passport do not play a role compared to international flights. The whole safari was an unforgettable, wonderful experience that we were able to experience throughout in a private safari jeep. We saw pretty much all the animals that live in the parks, apart from the rhinoceros. Abouh, our guide/driver, had a good eye and a lot of background knowledge, the cook did an excellent job and the accommodation was good and practical and gave us unforgettable animal encounters at the sleeping place. We particularly enjoyed the two nights in the tent and would prefer a lodge next time. But the combination with the last night in a lodge with its own bathroom is of course very pleasant. We can highly recommend the tour and would like to thank Salim again! Benedikt D2023-09-26 Private Safari to Northern Serengeti My girlfriend and I went on a 5 days (4 nights) private safari with Zamunda tours. To summarize it - I would always do it this way again - which was a great recommendation of Salim 1) it’s the only way to get to the northern Serengeti which is beautiful remote and we saw the migration over the Mara river - while staying in an absolutely luxurious tented lodge (these lodges are only temporary for a couple of month a year there). We heard Hyenas and other wildlife at night - while being guarded at night by a Masaai men who was protecting the camp at night. While every part of the safari had its uniqueness- I would always come back to see the Northern Serengeti as it’s way less populated and stunning. The migration was overwhelming- we even saw a wildebeest being catched by crocodiles - an experience which really makes me consider becoming vegetarian….. 2) only a private safari gives you the opportunity to move around within the Jeep to get the best view on wildlife- which is very important depending on which side of the car the wildlife is. I had direct eyesight with a lion 1m of each other which was quite intense….. the lion liked the shade of our Jeep and liked a little bit to much our rear tyre. Once the lion started to lick and play with the paws with our tyre it was time to hit the road again. Needless to say a private tour also gives you the opportunity to follow your own pace, have the guides attention for your questions and set the priorities. Ours were the Hippos - our true spirit animals. Jonathan (who was an amazing guide) took us therefore especially to places with hippos where we could see them outside the pond as well during daytime. Thanks a lot!! We first looked at shared safaris and were considering the cost. Fun fact - my girlfriend doesn’t like camping (many thanks to her) which was very great in the end. If we would have camped in tents we would have been soaking wet - as quite unusual for the time of the year - a warm front passed through. The rain was drumming on our roof while we were sleeping in a king size bed in our lodge. You can imagine how people in the other Jeep’s looked like when we passed them next morning ???? Last but not least - why Zamunda? The guys are awesome! They arranged everything reliable and perfectly. It was a unique and more perfect experience then we ever thought - including airport pickup etc. We have done already some other safaris - however this was just stunning. Next to that - in Arusha are many international corporations - Zamunda is a true local company - so go for it! Many thanks Jonathan and Salim for this unique experience! ???? Sarah R2023-09-26 Private Safari We did a private safari of five days and have been to Tarangire, the central and northern Serengeti and Ngorongoro. All was perfect. Right from the beginning of planing the communication was easy and Salim adviced us well. He gave us different options and choices, so we could plan the best tour to our wishes. The Safari itself was awesome. Jonathan has been a great guide. He explained everything about the animals and the landscape but also gave us the space to relax and enjoy ourselves. The lodges have all been very good choosen and we loved falling a sleep and getting awake by the Sound of nature. Thank you so much for making our trip unforgettable. Experience7341712023-08-29 Amazing 4 day camping safari! What a fantastic trip from the start to the end! The communication with Salim went smooth and fast from the start to the end with pick up from the airport and nice breefing the evening before the safari in the hotel. The trip to tarangire, serengeti and Ngorongoro was beautifull! William was our driver and we couldn’t be more happy with him, great mood and showing us all the parks have to offer with the big five as icing on the cake. Our cook Halid was really the best. Our son especially loved the soups and our daughter the fried bananas. The decision to do a camping trip turned out as an excellent choice for us (family of 4 with 2 kids 11 and 17 years old) Thank you! EKHHalliday2023-08-28 Great all- round safari experience Just returning home reluctantly from a wonderful safari in Tanzania with Zamunda tours. My daughter, son-in-law and I went to Tarangire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro in late August in an action packed schedule expertly arranged by Zamunda in close consultation with us. We were met in our Arusha hotel by Salim before beginning, to make sure everything was right, and our driver Abouh took over the next day. Abouh took every care to see that our animal viewings were quality ones. His English is very good and his knowledge of animals extensive. He was very patient when we wanted to spend as much time with warthogs and hyenas as big cats. His excellent driving ensured we covered big distances safely and without running late, and he was always working to set up picnic lunches, supervise our baggage and generally attend to the behind the scenes details so that we could enjoy a stress free holiday. Abouh took us to less frequented sites and we felt that we gained as much as we could in a short time. I thoroughly recommend Zamunda as a tour operator and Abouh as a young, energetic and passionate guide.